Working With Documents

Documents are a crucial part of every job. Documentation helps streamline workflows for projects by providing clear instructions and keeping track of statuses and decisions, and keeping track the smallest and major details that form the bigger picture. Documentation is often neglected yet it is crucial to the success and growth of any business or organization.

The use of documentation techniques has expanded to extend beyond the traditional meaning of printed text. Documents can refer to any representation of data that is physical like drawings, photographs, videos and so on. are all documents.

A document can be structured as a list, semi-structured similar to an article in a newspaper or book or unstructured like writing a note. Documents can be classified as public or private.

Regardless of their type or structure, the majority of documents created in an organizational context adhere to certain conventions and standards that are widely accepted within the organization. This ensures that all new documents are identical in form and basic structure that creates more transparency and uniformity in the document ecosystem of the organization and workflows.

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