The Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and the Social Sciences

Entrepreneurship is often seen as a business activity that involves creating businesses solely to make money or to create jobs. It’s important to keep in mind that entrepreneurship is about much more than simply making money. It’s about identifying opportunities in unexpected places – whether that be through the creation of a brand new product or service, improving the quality of an existing community, or through developing a revolutionary process.

Therefore, it’s not a surprise that entrepreneurship and social sciences are closely connected. There is lots of overlap between these two fields, especially in terms of how entrepreneurs need to be aware of their impact on the people and communities. They must be aware of societal trends, human psychology, and various other elements that are integral to research in social sciences to run their business successfully.

The social entrepreneurship field (SE) has given birth to many fresh and original concepts about entrepreneurialism. This has led to the fact that there are a number of different “schools of thought” in the literature that concentrate on this type of business. The analysis of citations shows that the most popular approach is based on institution theory, with articles from scholars from Western societies dominating. These articles often deal with issues of exogenous determinants like the existence of an ecosystem or government policies that may affect the foundation and operation of SE ventures. They also consider the role that emotional and socio-cultural factors play in the decision to engage in such activities.

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